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Static Testing Equipment
LFY-404 fabric electrostatic adsorption tester

Name:LFY-404 fabric electrostatic adsorption tester

The main purpose
It is used to evaluate the entanglement and adsorption of clothes to the human body during wearing. By measuring the difficulty of static leakage of the fabric due to friction, it can comprehensively reflect the specific resistance, weight, rigidity and flexibility, thickness, surface structure and finishing of the fabric. The influence of various factors on the antistatic properties of fabrics.
Instrument characteristics
l. The instrument uses the program to automatically control the whole process of the friction test
2. Friction speed: 1 time/s
3. Interval time: (30±0.1)s Maximum attenuation time: 600s
Applicable standards (for different standards, different accessories are required)
FZ/T 01059-2014 Fabric friction electrostatic adsorption performance test method
AATCC 115-2011 Electrostatic Clinging of Fabrics_Fabric to Metal Test

Key words
Electrostatic meter, fabric electrostatic meter, electrostatic adsorption meter, fabric electrostatic adsorption meter
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